Democratizing Precision Medicine for 650M+ Latinos

Partner with us to redefine Precision Health for +650Million Latinos!


✔ Where do I really come from?

✔ What’s the history of my people?

✔ What is the culture of my ancestors?

✔ Where did my ancestors come from?

✔ How can I connect with others that feel the same?


✔ Why other people seem to know everything about their past but I don’t? 

✔ Why can’t I feel identified with the image from Latinos everybody says you should?

✔ Where can we find the answers and resources to connect with your our heritage?

Why Traditional DNA companies
don’t give me enough genetic ancestry resolution and detail about Latinos, Hispanics or Pan-American Indigenous Nations?




Latinos-Hispanics represent less than 1% of ancestry populations included in genomic studies…


SOMOS: Highest Resolution Ancestry Service for Latinos,
by Latinos

What makes SOMOS so unique & special
VS Traditional DNA Companies that lack diversity inclusion 

SOMOS: The Highest Resolution Ancestry Service for Latinos, By Latinos

SOMOS: The Highest Resolution Ancestry Service for Latinos, by Latinos


Reasons Why Traditional DNA companies don’t take into consideration our Latin America Nations and Communities…

It requires Purpose and Passion

Mainly because increasing the representation of diverse participants in genomics research requires investing time, energy and resources intentionally to develop trust and create long sustainable relationships between communities and researchers to ensure that genomics research is both equitable and inclusive.

Cultural and Legal Complexities

It involves creating bridges beyond language, geography, colors and ideas to create consensus. For the last 5 years we have been traveling and connecting Indigenous Nations throughout the continent to amplify their voices within digital ecosystems.

Glass Ceilling in Emerging Countries

Capital & Investments for Science and Tech Development tend to follow regional support within developed nations; Traditional DNA companies and their Governments invest in their own communities and networks creating a glass barrier for precision medicine advancement in underrepresented populations

Centralization, Consensus and Privacy

Centralization of resources by Institutions in emerging countries has created "Data hoarders” (DinosauruScientists as we call them ) that slow the pace of innovation;

Instead SOMOS is democratizing the industry by decentralizing data, empowering users with consensus and transparency:



As Latinos with a background in Medicine and Tech, we understand where you stand right know with many questions.

We also wanted to connect with our culture and communities but didn’t know where to begin or how to reach out our people to connect…

This is how SOMOS is created; A digital hub and ecosystem where we as Latinos can connect through our heritage, roots, art, music & culture to unlock a brighter path for future generations.

We have developed The Highest Resolution Ancestry DNA Test and Service for Latinos but we also want to transcend with growth and contribution that enables Precision Medicine.

We are generating synergy within our nations by boosting the power of connectedness in our cultures, igniting an ecosystem even beyond ourselves to create an enduring legacy in precision health and to create a new reality in tech and science development in our emerging countries

Partner with us in this mission to
Democratize Biobanking and Precision Medicine for 650M+ Latinos


Historically, the diversity represented through different populations DNA for genomic research has been overwhelmingly biased which creates gaps in knowledge about the genomes from people in the rest of the world thus delaying Precision Medicine development

At SOMOS we work dilligently to enhance Latin American diversity inclusion and representation in genomic research

SOMOS is the First Descentralized Pan American Biobank to Unlock Precision Medicine Solutions through the understanding of Latino Genetic Information

At SOMOS we are rewriting reality by mapping the latino genome to enable precision health solutions for our future generations.

We are creating the largest decentralized Pan American Biobank (in history) to unlock Latino Precision Medicine, Without owning any sample! ;

Instead we are empowering participants to join own their data and have always the consensus and freedom to decide

SOMOS is creating an ecosystem based on data integration to understand better how genomics will improve precision health and wellness of our Latino people and nations.

Despite being more than 60M+ Latinos in the US and 650M+ Worldwide…

We represent less than 1% of ancestry populations included in genomic studies(NIH-NHGRI)

We represent less than 1% of ancestry populations included in genomic studies(NIH-NHGRI)

Due to this, traditional DNA test companies probably have not given you enough ancestry resolution or clarity for the answers you might be looking for…


Have you taken a Traditional DNA Test and got not enough answers for Latino Genetic Ancestry-Heritage resolution?
We understand how you feel… Below you some answers that might clarify and contextualize


What makes SOMOS so unique?

Why Can SOMOS provide a higher resolution service?

Which are the SOMOS differences vs traditional DNA tests and services?

FORM: Decentralized and Crowdsourced to improve data integration and to empower participants; Boosting Consensus Privacy and Decision Preservation

UTILITY FACTOR: First Pan American biobank to democratize Precision Medicine Solutions through the understanding of Latino Genetic Information.

FACTOR X: relies on data aggregation and integration capacities by cultural expertise
Decentralized = Largest Pan American Biobank in History; yet SOMOS does not own any sample

Last +5 years we have been building bridges to connect 70+ Indigenous Nations in Mexico; Building Bridges beyond language, geography, colors and cultures.Epic BioHub Consortium (soon)

How can I use the SOMOS platform?

3 Main ways:

A: If you are already a user of traditional DNA companies you can upload your raw data to be re analyzed by our high resolution algorithms.

B: If you have not taken any DNA test before you want to try our DNA test kit with your SOMOS wallet by (Consensus and privacy Preserving )

C: With the use of your wallet you may participate at will in emerging research programs and enjoy free updates as beta tester. (Upcoming 2022)

4.About the SOMOS Familia Biobank?

First Decentralized and Crowdsourced Pan American Bio bank Platform to enable Precision Medicine for Latinos; It is the first one in its type, being decentralized through collaborative science: an ecosystem where users have consensus about privacy and decision to participate and truly own their data. Democratized and crowdsourced as being created by us as nations and communities join together with the purpose of enabling precision health & medicine for +650M Latinos

4.When will SOMOS have new features?

-New features such as genealogy concierge services and family tree will be deployed late 2022 (invite only beta)
-New Traits, Health insights, Nutrition and Sports Performance will be enabled gradually during next year( for early access and invite)
-Both are possible due to amazing partnerships and strategic alliances with worldwide best teams(

On the other hand:
Increasing the representation of diverse participants-Latinos-Indigenous Nations in genomics research requires investing time, energy and resources intentionally to develop trust and create long sustainable relationships and models between communities and researchers to ensure that genomics research is both equitable and inclusive.

We invite all potential collaborators and partners to join this endevour with SOMOS; Ideas and proposals to scale faster and better here:

SOMOS Mission and Vision

Democratize Bio Banking and Precision Medicine for 650M+ Latinos through collaborative Science (

SOMOS Purpose and Passion

By 2022 become the largest DAO for Digital Health in Latin America



People trust SOMOS; We are creating enduring relationships with our Indigenous Nations and Latino Communities, by embracing the power of connectedness through the warmness of our people

Below some inspiring reviews from our happy customers, Energy for our mission engine…


We understand you may have some doubts…We have been there before;

If we can provide you with enough information to clarify your questions,
Would you like to try our service with special 10% Discount?


NO, I don’t want to connect but would like to learn more…