Get Retested
Not satisfied with your 23&me, AncestryDNA, MyHeritage, Familytree or other ancestry service?
As a Latino/ Hispanic / Native American our mission is to provide you with a better service.
DNA saliva Kit
Never taken a DNA test? An easy to take saliva test can help you understand more about Global and regional ancestry. SOMOS has implemented technology that allows you to own your data.
Regional artists
Our vision is to help represent our Indigenous Nations in science and to build bridges with our Latino community.
We partner with regional artists to make it possible. Logo design by Javier Gonzalez
People driven
Deep Latino ancestry is possible thanks to our Indigenous Nations in the Latin American continent. We partner with them, align incentives, collaborate for research and return their sovereignty through personal data ownership & governance.
Thanks to this, we can make new discoveries and offer you the best LATINO ancestry service.
Deep LATINO heritage test
For the first time, a high resolution ancestry test for LATINOS has been developed. Thanks to data generated from different Native American groups, state of the art algorithms and predictive models, NOW real deep regional ancestry is possible for Latinos.
Use your raw data from other companies and get a deep analysis through our unique platform. Invite other family members and friends to join the largest LATINO MOVEMENT of the century!
Proudly Latinos
Latinos are strong, persistent, hard workers, collaborative and warm. We are proud to be a Mexican company and to empower LATINOS to join the largest movement of the century.
Heritage + Health + Technology + Data Governance & Security + Inclusion = we are ready to change the destiny of Latin America through collaborative knowledge generation
It all starts with your ancestry…
discover new health and
wellbeing traits
and help us identify
novel markers for Latinos
(coming soon)